USVI Says NO MORE is a territory-wide campaign by us, for us.
What's the USVI Says NO MORE campaign?
This campaign addresses domestic violence and sexual assault on our islands, in our communities and with our people. It is aligned with the purpose of the international NO MORE campaign, to end domestic and sexual violence through alliances with advocacy groups, foundations, direct service agencies and corporate partners. USVI Says NO MORE was launched through a collaboration between three local public service organizations, Women's Coalition of St. Croix, the V.I. Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Council on St. Thomas and St. Croix, and the Family Resource Center on St. Thomas.
Together and through focusing on EDUCATION, SUPPORT and PREVENTION, we can end domestic violence and sexual assault in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). Take the USVI Says NO MORE pledge and share this site with everyone in your circles. Make a commitment to peace, healthy relationships and healing for us all.
changing awareness around domestic violence and sexual assault to encourage community participation in realistic solutions
learning the signs of domestic violence and sharing local statistics
dispelling cultural and societal myths surrounding domestic violence and sexual assault; bringing attention to victim blaming and shaming
encouraging discussions about healthy relationships between couples, families and in communities
rallying support for victims and survivors, and the programs that assist in their healing and rebuilding safer, independent lives
engaging businesses, community/civic groups, schools and government agencies to pledge support for the end of domestic and sexual violence in the USVI
bringing attention to the importance of believing victims' and survivors' experiences
promoting community involvement in victims' rights advocacy
encouraging understanding to stop victim blaming and shaming
What's the circle about? The vanishing point is a positive and powerful symbol of NO MORE.
its infinite and all-encompassing form represents the global community working together without boundaries
it represents a safe place where all converge to lend support to those affected
it is a light at the end of the tunnel, providing a view into the future free of domestic violence and sexual assault
it is a definitive end, like punctuation closing a statement or a thought.
If you are in an emergency situation, dial 911 immediately. If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, please call the Women's Coalition of St. Croix at 340.773.9272 or the Family Resource Center on St. Thomas at 340.776.3966 for help.